Help Support The CSC
To make an on-line donation, please click on a payment option below:
We are here to serve...
Thank you for visiting our website!
If you are a chaplain looking for resources (to enhance your ministry and continuing education), we hope that you have found this site helpful. If you know of other resources that you feel would be helpful to your colleagues, please drop us a line. If you would like to discuss endorsement issues, we would love to speak with you. We invite you to call us on our toll-free line at 877.CSC.CHAP.
If you are a congregation (or a grouping/network of congregations) which has qualified clergy interested in chaplaincy, we would love to speak with you and with them. We are an “open” endorsing body, meaning that we are interested in others joining the CSC. If you are in agreement with our Statement of Faith, please consider joining us as we seek to add quality Spirit-filled chaplains to the pastoral caregiving community. We also have a provision for credentialing laypersons who serve in the Armed Forces to be able to hold services in harmony with Spirit-filled worship styles. If you have such laypeople in your membership, please feel free to refer them to us.
If you are an individual, considering ministry as a chaplain, please give us a call toll-free at 877.CSC.CHAP. We would love to speak with you as you explore this calling. Differing chaplaincies have differing requirements and expectations.
We are delighted to be able to provide these services to prospective chaplains, actively serving chaplains, and congregations. We do it because we are called to this ministry. Additionally, we regularly visit our chaplains and chaplain candidates when they attend national conferences, as well as when they attend military and Veterans Affairs chaplains schools. We occasionally need to serve in an advocacy role with our chaplains and that often includes numerous phone calls and occasional visits. We also very actively promote quality chaplaincy at every opportunity, serving on various national civilian chaplaincy leadership boards [the COMISS Network Leadership, the COMISS Commission on the Accreditation of Pastoral Services, the Quality Commission of the Association of Professional Chaplains, the Executive Chapter of the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy] as well as the endorsers organizations promoting military and Veterans Affairs chaplaincy, as well as the Association of Religious Endorsing Bodies [for the civilian cognate groups].
Please consider helping us...
To provide these valuable services (please visit Our Services for a listing of some of our services and their costs), we are dependent upon the Lord moving on the hearts of chaplains, congregations, and you, the website visitor, to fund these needed services. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) religious organization and all gifts to support this work are tax-deductible. If you are blessed by our ministry, please consider supporting us as the Lord leads you.
To make an on-line donation, please click on a payment option below:
To make an in-kind donation. The CSC travels a great deal to support its chaplains and to advocate for chaplaincy. As such, we are interested in accepting in-kind donations of airline transportation (travel vouchers, discounts, coupons, gift certificates, etc.), transferred frequent flyer mileage, and car rental (vouchers, discounts, coupons, and gift cards). Even hotel discount certificates and gift cards are very much welcome! To serve our chaplains, we travel all over the country, as well as Europe and Asia. If you are interested in making an in-kind donation which is not detailed above, please contact David Plummer, or call him at (877) 272-2424. When making such a donation please briefly state in a note what you consider to be the value of your gift and the basis of your estimate. We want to insure that your gift is properly handled so that you get your tax deduction and the CSC gets the benefit of your donation.
To make a traditional paper check donation...
Please address it to:
The Coalition of Spirit-filled Churches, Inc.
25 Hidenwood Shopping Ctr
Unit 6606
Newport News, VA 23606-2228
United States