International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies http://www.ifcaministry.org/
Christian Union http://www.christianunion.org
Mount Calvary Holy Churches of America http://mchca.publishpath.com
Servanthood Ministries https://www.servanthoodministries.net
Bethany Ministerial Fellowship https://www.bethanybtc.org/bmf.html
Present Truth Ministries https://www.presenttruthministries.com
The Ministries of Adonai International https://www.adonaiinternationalministries.org
Vanguard Ministries http://vanguardministries.org
Calvary Alliance of Churches & Ministries http://www.calvaryalliance.org
Evangelical Association of Reformed & Congregational Churches http://www.evangelicalassociation.org
Covenant of the Cross https://www.covenantofthecross.com
Grace International http://www.grace-international.tv/ |
Grace Mission Church International http://www.gracemissions.net |
Evangelistic Apostolic Church Diocese http://www.eacdiocese.org
Christ's Church Fellowship Inc. http://www.christschurchfellowship.us
International Gospel Center http://www.igcenter.org
Set Free Ministries, International http://www.apostle.org
The Conservative Anglican Church of North America https://en.wikipedia.org
The Mountain http://www.themountain.org
Movimiento Misionero Mundial http://us.mmmoficial.org
Grace Family of Churches http://gfc.tv
City on a Hill Church http://www.cityonahillchurch.tv
The Indian Pentecostal Church of God Dallas http://www.ipctabernacle.org
Calvary Ministries International https://www.facebook.com/CalvaryMinistriesInternational
The Celtic Christian Communion The Ecumenical Order of St. Columba http://www.celticchristiancommunion.org
The American Presbyterian Church https://www.apc.church
The Harvest http://www.the-harvest.org
Concilio de Iglesias Cristianas Damasco https://www.facebook.com
The Redeemed Christian Church of God http://rccg.org
Deeper Life In Christ Ministries, Inc. http://www.discoverdeeperlife.org
Trinity Full Gospel Non-Denominational Church http://www.tfgministries.org
The Rock Church San Diego, CA http://www.sdrock.com
Federation of Ministers and Churches International https://www.fmci.org
Mariners Church http://www.marinerschurch.org/
The Rock Real Family http://therock.org
Epicentre Church https://epicentre.org
St. Mark Baptist Church http://smark.org
Recovery Churches of America, Inc http://recoverychurchesofam.wix.com/recoverychurchesmain
Order In The Kingdom Ecclessiastical Leadership & Adjutancy Training, Resources & Consultation https://www.facebook.com
Morris Cerullo World Evangelism http://www.mcwe.com/
The Waters Church No Perfect People Allowed http://iamthewaters.com
Celtic Rite Old Catholic Church http://www.celticriteocc.webs.com/
Greater Love International Ministries http://www.greaterlovejapan.org/
Discover Church http://discoverchurch.org/
Imani Cathedral http://www.imanitcf.org/
Church of the Highlands http://churchofthehighlands.com/
Twin Cities Church Substance Minneapolis, Minnesota http://www.substancechurch.com/
Jubilee Church Atlanta, GA http://jubileeatl.com/
The Redeemed Christian Church of God North America http://www.rccgna.org
The Church of the Living God International Inc. http://www.clgi.org
The Worldwide Fellowship of Independent Christian Churches http://therealworldwidefellowshipofindependentchristianchurches.org
The Missionary Church International http://www.tmciworld.com
The River International Revival Network http://jointheriver.net
Destiny World Outreach Center http://www.destinywoc.com
The Family Church at Christian Retreat http://thefamily.church
Champions Community Church http://championscc.org
Dominion City Georgia http://dominioncitygeorgia.org
Antioch Church https://www.antiochcos.com
Living Word International Christian Church http://www.lwicc.org
The Impact Church of The Midlands https://www.facebook.com
Beth-El Fellowship of Visionary Churches https://www.bethelvisionarychurches.org
The House of the Lord https://thotl.org
The Anglican Churches of Pentecost https://www.anglicanfire.org
Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal M.I. Región de Puerto Rico http://idpmipr.org
Comunion Anglicana Episcopal Ortodoxa https://iglesiaepiscopalortodoxadelsur.blogspot.com
Radiate Church https://www.radiatechurch.net
India Pentecostal Fellowship http://ipcrockland.com
Catch the Fire: Churches https://catchthefire.com
TRIBE http://tribesites.org
BETHEL World Outreach Church http://www.bethelworld.org
GENERAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, INC. https://www.generallutheran.info
Christ Connection Chaplaincy Church* https://www.christchaplaincy.com |
*“Christ Connection Chaplaincy Church” recently affiliated with The Coalition of Spirit-filled Churches. It is a new genre of church as it is a teleconference-based church. Perhaps this will become a new movement of God... |
The Methodist Protestant Church http://www.themethodistprotestantchurch.org |
Trees of Righteousness Fellowship http://www.fromthethroneministries.com |
Friends General Conference https://www.fgcquaker.org |
Big House Church http://www.bighousechurch.com/ |
New Covenant Church of Atlanta https://www.newcovenantatlanta.com |
Good News https://goodnewsaugusta.com |
Global Empowerment Fellowship of Christian Churches http://gefocc.org |
Lord of Hosts Church https://www.lohchurch.org |
The Church of Pentecost U.S.A Inc. https://www.copusa.org |
Victory Christian Ministries International - Charles County CAMPUS https://www.vcmicharlescounty.org |
National Association of Christian Ministers https://nacministers.com |
Anglican Mission International https://anglicanmissioninternational.org |
Christ Apostolic Church International https://cac-int.org |
Grace Church http://www.gracechurchsc.org |
The Mission https://imissionchurch.com |
예수교대한성결교회 총회 Sungkyul Global Church http://www.sungkyul.org |
Abundant Life Family Worship Church https://www.alfwc.org |
Life Collective Church https://www.lifecollectivechurch.org |
The Bridge Church NYC https://bridgechurchnyc.com |
Rooftop Church https://rooftop.org |
기독교 대한감리회 The Korean Methodist Church https://kmc.or.kr |
Chinese Community Church of Indianapolis 印城華人教會 https://www.indychinesechurch.org |
New Destiny https://www.newdestiny.online |
Christian Cultural Center https://www.cccinfo.org |
Real Life Christian Church https://real.life |
Heritage Christian Fellowship https://heritagesc.org |
Crown of Hope Ministries https://www.crownofhope.org |
Hope Point Church https://hopepointchurch.org |
Motel Church https://www.motelchurch.org |
Beggars Table Church & Gallery http://beggarstable.com |
Village Heights Church https://villageheights.church |
Gateway Church — Frisco Campus https://gatewaypeople.com/campuses/frisco |
Saint Augustine's Anglican Church https://www.staugustinesanglican.org |
The Church of Eleven22 https://coe22.com |
World Outreach Ministries https://wominc.org/ |
South Tampa Fellowship https://stfchurch.com |
Global Light International Church https://www.facebook.com/globallightchurch |
Godspeak Calvary Chapel https://www.godspeak.com |
Horizon Church https://www.horizonchurchtucson.com |
Kingdom Life Church https://www.kingdomlifectx.com |
First Magee https://firstmagee.com |
The French Church Eglise Protestante Francophone https://thefrench.church |
Born Again Church https://www.bornagainchurch.org |
The Way Community Church in Ozark, MO https://www.thewaycommunitychurch.org |
THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH USA FIELD http://www.tacusafield.org |
Fullwell Baptist Church https://www.fullwellchurch.org |
Faith Community Church https://www.fccgeneva.org |
King Jesus Global https://www.kingjesus.org |
Kingdom Vision Ministries https://www.kvmatl.org |
New Hope Fellowship https://www.newhopefellowship.org |
Baptist Grove Church https://baptistgrovechurch.org |
M3 Church https://www.m3church.org |
Celestial Church of Christ St Michael Parish http://www.cccstmichael.org |
La Senda Antigua https://www.alaba.org |
Worship & Praise Church https://www.myworshipandpraise.com |
The New City https://www.newcitychurchva.org |
Heart of God Fellowship https://heartofgodfellowship.com |
Celestial Church of Christ USA Diocese https://www.cccusadiocese.org |
Mundodefe https://www.mundodefe.org |
Christ Community Church https://christcommunitypeekskill.org |
I Am International Inc. https://www.iaminternationalinc.org |
Miracle Tabernacle Church of our Lord Jesus Christ https://www.netministries.org/churches/ch34842 |
Christians United Church https://cucindy.org |
SALTLX https://saltlx.org |
Hill City https://www.hillcity.us |
Cristo La Roca Ministerio Internacional https://cristolarocaministerio.org |
Tabernacle Pentecostal Church https://www.tpcrichmond.church |
Vibrant Church https://www.vibranthtx.com |
Christ Embassy Lexington Park https://christembassylexingtonpark.org |
Christ Castle International https://christcastleinternational.org/ |
Society of St. Damien De Veuster https://www.saintdamien.org/ |
Miju United Presbyterian Church in America http://ubtc.global |
Rising Star Baptist Church https://www.risingstarbaptist.org |
Living Word Church of Irving http://www.livingwordchurchirving.com |
Threads Church https://threadschurch.org |
Conquering Tabernacle Church https://www.facebook.com/ConqueringTabernacleChurch |
True Vine Ministries https://www.truevinenc.com |
Destiny Church https://destinych.com |
World Changers Church International https://worldchangers.org |
Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church https://uaoc.org |
New Life Church - Downtown https://downtown.newlifechurch.org |
Covenant Church http://www.covenantchurch.church |
Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests https://arcwp.org |
Evangel Community Church https://www.evangelcc.org/ |
Iglesia Anglicana Conservadora en Colombia http://anglicanaconservadora.org |
Galilee Baptist Church Grasselli Heights (Birmingham) https://www.facebook.com |
Epic Church https://www.epic.church |
Destiny Worship Center https://destinyworshipcenter.com |
Pentecostal Churches of Christ https://www.pcceverywhere.com |
Living Waters Church https://living-waters.org |
First Baptist Church of Wahiawa http://www.firstbaptisthawaii.com |
Eden Bible Church https://edenbible.church |
Life Co. https://www.lifeco.church |
illuminate church https://www.illuminatenj.com |
New Mercies Christian Church https://newmerciescc.org |
Corinthian Baptist Church https://www.corinthianbc.org |
Encourager Church https://www.myencouragerchurch.org |
Celestial Church of Christ Holy Cross Parish, TX https://www.hcparishtx.com |
Juniper Level Missionary Baptist Church https://juniperlevel.org |
The Sanctuary Denver https://thesanctuarydenver.org |
Chicago University Bible Fellowship https://www.chicagoubf.org |
Concord Baptist Church https://www.cbcsalem.net |
Church of the Savior Washington, DC https://inwardoutward.org |
Vinings Lake Church https://www.viningslake.org |
Onnuri English Ministry https://www.facebook.com/onnurienglish |
Open Table Network https://opentable.network |
The Resting Place https://trpfamily.org |
Second Calvary Baptist Church https://2cal.org/ |
Prophetic Worship Center International https://www.facebook.com/propheticwci/ |
Centro Apostolico de Florida Inc. https://www.facebook.com/apostlicos/ |
Macedonia International Bible Fellowship https://www.mibf.org |
El Shaddai Messianic Orthodox Catholic Church Western Rite https://esmocc.org |
The Presbyterian Church of Ghana North America / Australia https://pcgonline.org/north-america-australia/ |
The True Church of the Living Faith https://ttcotlf.org |
The Fountain of Praise https://www.tfop.org |
The Ancient Apostolic Church of Alexandria https://aacofa.org |
Destiny World Church https://www.destinyworldchurch.org |
Mosaic Church https://thisismosaic.org |
Schaumburg Community Church (S.C.C.) https://savedspirit.org |
Progressive Christian Alliance https://progressivechristianalliance.org |
ZOE Christian Center https://www.zoechristiancenter.org |
Living Word Church of Worcester https://www.livingwordworcester.com |
LIFE Community Church - Collin County https://www.facebook.com/lcccollin/ |
Bethesda Church - Van Buren, AR https://www.facebook.com/BethesdaChurchVB/ |
RIG Global Church https://rigglobal.org |
The Well Church https://thewell202.tithelysetup.com |
For Whosoever Will Ministries https://www.fwwmchurch.org |
The Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church https://pfwb.org |
Epic Fellowship Church https://www.epicfellowship.org |
Redemption Faith Worship Center https://www.rfwcmaryland.org |
Greater Little Zion Baptist Church https://www.glzbc.org/wpzion1/ |
Lifeline Community Fellowship https://www.lifelinecf.org |
Watch & Pray Outreach Ministries https://watchandprayoutreachministries.org |
Bible Enrichment Fellowship International Church https://befic.org |