Civilian Chaplains Please Read

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Yesterday, as I walked through stores in my new hometown (as of May), about a one-hour drive and ferry ride from downtown Seattle, it is clear to me that we have entered the beginnings of Coronapocalypse. The shelves are mostly barren; some picked clean. The air of calm Pacific- Northwest sophistication is very much replaced with anxiety and what I think is a primal urge to hoard. The store stockers and cashiers were exhausted and looked a bit disgusted; not the typical friendly, "Thank you for shopping with us today!" I guess the Coronavirus has taken a toll on our civilities and gentilities, as well as our bodies.

For my friends and faith community's endorsed chaplains reading this: If you are stuck somewhere with limited community and human interaction, and you wish to call or Zoom, I do have a professional account. We can make an appointment and video chat/socialize.

Blessings and, Especially, Peace,




The Military Chaplain Association has just released their EventBrite registration form for their August “Institutes” professional development and networking sessions. The cost this year is $195. Many Federal chaplains are able to get their sponsoring institutions to pay for this meeting considered ESSENTIAL by this endorsing agency. Register at Military Chaplains Association National Institute and Annual Meeting Tickets, Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM | Eventbrite. I look forward to seeing you there!!!


SAVE THE DATE! Plan to Join Us!

The Coalition of Spirit-filled Churches' (CSC) Federal Chaplains Conference will, once again, be immediately before the start of the Military Chaplain's Association (MCA) Conference. The CSC Conference will be July 30 - August 1, 2024, and it will be right before the MCA Conference, meeting in Gettysburg, PA at the Aspire Hotel/Eisenhower Conference Center.

To register for the MCA, a link will be coming soon click on the link in the UPDATE paragraph above.

To reserve a room at Aspire Hotel/Eisenhower Conference Center, a link will be coming soon see the link in the advertisement below.




Dave's Occasional Civilian Blog

16 AUGUST 2023

Attention women chaplains!

06 AUGUST 2023

CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL DOCUMENT — A Jewish Guide for Professionals to Supporting Individuals & Communities through Traumatic Death [PDF]

15 MAY 2022

Hospital chaplain finds unique strategy to combat COVID fatigue

04 FEBRUARY 2022

As an Endorser of chaplains, I hear so much false and fraudulent information about the COVID vaccines. I am pleased that the media are fact-checking!

How the falsehood of athletes dying of coronavirus vaccines spread

09 JANUARY 2022

COVID-19 vaccine myths debunked

23 OCT 2021

CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL DOCUMENT — Knowledge, Attitudes, and Interactions with Chaplains and Nursing Staff Outcomes: A Survey Study ( [PDF]

20 AUGUST 2021

Personally, I’m very pro-vaccines, including for COVID. But I realize that a number of you are not or at least have reservations about being vaccinated. Be that as it may, here is a website that might be useful to you and those you serve who may have reservations about being vaccinated:

Religious Exemption to Vaccine Guide Now Available

30 JULY 2021

Hospices Seek Expanded Claims Codes for Chaplain Services

06 MAY 2021

Here is an interesting article that speaks of chaplaincy in general and its intersection of the spiritual with mental health. I would be curious as to how many chaplains feel that they have at least a basic competency in pastoral counseling from seminary, denominational preparation, etc. to serve in their setting. A rhetorical question.

Why Chaplains Are in High Demand in an Increasingly Secular America

18 APRIL 2021

The 'Amazing Grace' of chaplains in the pandemic (Opinion) - CNN

It is available on Amazon: Vidatak EZ Spiritual Care Patient Communication Board

25 FEBRUARY 2021

Hospital chaplains balance Covid safety with patients’ spiritual needs (

17 FEBRUARY 2021

Some good information!

Assessment and Management of Patients at Risk for Suicide (2019):
VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines

15 FEBRUARY 2021

[All chaplains endorsed with The Coalition of Spirit-filled Churches are eligible for a complimentary subscription as part of their endorsement.]

The Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling is doing a 75th Anniversary Celebration! Personally, I have appreciated The Journal since my college days when I first discovered it in the college library, around 1980. I have since served on their Editorial Committee (1996 – 2008) and now the Board of Managers (2009 – Present). I deeply love this journal which is the oldest peer-reviewed journal of our discipline. They write:

Please help JPCP celebrate our 75th anniversary! We would like for our readers to provide a testimonial about the ways that Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling or any of our other publications helped them. We plan to use these testimonials (in a format such as "quote about JPC&C" --Kenisha L., ACPE member & JPC&C reader for over 15 years) in our social posts and other media to let people know about The Journal of Pastoral Care Publications and its supporting organizations.
We are asking that you either send our request out to your readers by email or newsletter. We are using a platform provided by Neumann University. The tool we are using to gather testimonials and provide feedback / input. It is: Online Survey

By the way, all chaplains endorsed with The Coalition of Spirit-filled Churches are eligible for a complimentary subscription as part of their endorsement. Just click here: Members' Area .

04 FEBRUARY 2021

Hospital chaplains use music to lift the spirits of ICU staff

Hospital chaplains use music to lift the spirits of ICU staff

13 DECEMBER 2020

In the past week, I have heard from military chaplains who are ministering in units that have gay service-members who suicided. I do not know the whys or back stories. I have heard that the chaplains’ predecessors were “restricted,” and refused to care for or even speak with openly LGBT service-members and families. That so tugs at my heart. I know that Jesus was approached by many people and he always heard them and cared for them. He never ever rejected people; people rejected Him. I am aware that 90% plus of our chaplains are permitted by their sponsoring churches to be “unrestricted,” namely to be able to counsel and support, facilitate retreats, and otherwise care for all folks who come through their doors or seek their help. [Note: that does not mean that our chaplains have to agree with or do any religious rites with anyone whom they serve. But we are to care for all. As I remind our churches and our chaplains: the chaplaincy is not the church and the church is not the chaplaincy.]

Sometimes our chaplains wish to discreetly let their units know that they are open to ministering to EVERYONE, and that they and their offices are safe places for LGBT to be. I have found a place on Google where there are such signs and symbols that you can download and print-off for the office:

Google Images: Safe Zone Images


20 NOVEMBER 2020

I am concrned that many of you do not know what a microaggresstion is. This may be a helpful article.

What is a microaggression? 14 things people think are fine to say at work — but are actually racist, sexist, or offensive

12 NOVEMBER 2020

There is a real antagonism in this country towards religion, and in particular non-Christian religions. This might be a helpful document in promoting tolerance.

A Guide to Protecting Religious Liberty for Everyone [PDF]

03 NOVEMBER 2020

From the National VA Chaplaincy Agency
(Curated by our very own VA Chaplain Oledia Bell)

List of for Diversity and Inclusion Recommendations and viewings

A library of online resources: Anti-racism library curated by LeanIn.Org

Book: White Fragility – Robin DiAngelo

New York times: Op ed by Michelle Alexander author of The New Jim Crow - Mass Incarceration in the age of colorblindness

YouTube: Phil Vischer (Veggie Tales producer) - Candid conversation on race

Reconciliation ideas: “Be wary of things that are purely symbolic”: How to join the conversation on race

YouTube: Uncomfortable conversations with a Black Man (Episode 1)
Uncomfortable conversations with a Black Man (Episode 2)

02 NOVEMBER 2020

A recent survey found that 48% of seniors used video calls for the first time this year, to stay in touch with friends and family during the pandemic. With this in mind, I thought people would benefit from a guide to webcam safety.

Webcam Security: How To Make Sure Nobody Spies On You

11 OCTOBER 2020

Before you build that chapel…

CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL DOCUMENT — Multi-belief/Multi-faith Spaces:
Theoretical Proposals for a Neutral and Operational Design [PDF]




Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling Vol. 74, No. 3, September, 2020 is now available online!

If you are a CSC member, you can access the full Journal by loggin in HERE



We all need a little help now and then. Even generals and admirals...

‘I sought help when I needed it’: Joint Chiefs vice chairman speaks out on mental health


A free book on Spiritual Care Charting.

Charting Spiritual Care [PDF]

26 AUGUST 2020

How to Foster Psychological Safety in Virtual Meetings

19 AUGUST 2020

Hospital and hospice chaplains adjust to COVID-19 changes,
but ‘active listening — that stays the same’

06 AUGUST 2020

Let’s learn to be sensitive and aware, if we are not already.

Everyday words and phrases that have racist connotations

05 AUGUST 2020

According to the Pew Research Center, the United States will not have a single racial or ethnic majority by 2055. Increasing diversity will provide opportunities to create large-scale social change for leaders prepared to collaborate across differences. This kind of collaborative problem solving will also require a different set of leadership skills.

This recorded webinar explores leadership strategies that advance racial equity and inclusion in foundations and their partners, including the ability to see the larger system, foster reflection and more generative conversations, and shift the collective focus from reactive problem-solving to co-creating proactive solutions.

And it is free to take. Just register and learn!

Diversity and Inclusion: Walking the Talk


03 AUGUST 2020

An article of very useful resources for both federal and civilian chaplains.

Newsletter of the Center for Spirituality, Theology & Health August 2020 [PDF]

27 JULY 2020

For chaplains dealing with the challenges of COVID-19 deaths.

CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL DOCUMENT — COVID-19 Articles Fast Tracked Articles [PDF]

06 JULY 2020

The Best Online Resources for COVID Quarantine and Isolation Period

26 JUNE 2020

Watch a New York City Chaplain Discuss Guiding People Through Their Last Moments at a Distance Amid COVID-19

17 JUNE 2020

“... most white Christians miss and misunderstand the lived experience of black Christians. We’ve been tracking this gap for years, including the higher degree to which black Christians perceive police brutality, experience the effects of racism and believe the effects of slavery continue to this day. We encourage leaders, especially white leaders, to use this research to broaden your perspective and the perspectives of those whom you lead. Feel the weight of these gaps. You can start by downloading the report Where Do We Go >From Here?, a digital resource we’ve made available at no cost."

Free digital download from Barna!

13 JUNE 2020

A great and timely resource!

COVID-19: Global Reflections on Faith, Health, and Justice

12 JUNE 2020

Guest Perspective: Because We Care - Risk for Moral Injury During the Covid-19 Pandemic

10 JUNE 2020

It is always good to know the proper vocabulary.

An LGBTQIA+ Vocabulary | A NEW CLGS Resource for Faith Communities

29 MAY 2020

Peaceful connection: Hospital chaplain connects with patients via telemedicine

28 MAY 2020

Identity theft and other fraud is experiencing a massive spike due to criminals taking advantage of people's fear about COVID19. It's always important to know the status of your credit, but now, accessing your credit is more important than normal. Annual Credit Report .com is the only source for free credit reports authorized by federal law. They are now offering free weekly (vice annually) online credit reports from all three of the credit reporting agencies through April 2021. There is also good information regarding your credit reports on the site.

20 MAY 2020

CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL DOCUMENT — Death, Grief and Funerals in the COVID Age [PDF]

17 MAY 2020

An interesting article by Brandeis University Sociology Professor Wendy Cadge in The Atlantic this morning.

The Rise of the Chaplains: Their grandparents may have gone to church. But today, many Americans turn elsewhere to meet their spiritual needs.

13 MAY 2020

Supporting Communication with Patients who have COVID-19

07 MAY 2020

CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL DOCUMENT — Ministry During Pandemic:
From Awareness to Implementation [PDF]

06 MAY 2020

The Road to Resilience podcast by Chaplain David Fleenor, Director of Chaplaincy at Mt Sinai (and a good colleague of mine). Recorded during the Pandemic.

"The Edge of the Unknown" from Road to Resilience podcast by Mount Sinai Health System

5 MAY 2020

How Hospital Chaplains Are Caring For The Pandemic’s Patients And Front-Line Workers

25 APRIL 2020

For Chaplains and Mental Health Counselors. Evolving and Expanding Domestic Abuse

A whole new form of coercion/torture and control is emerging/evolving from the isolation and sheltering-in-place that the Pandemic has brought on: Revenge porn. While it has always been around, with predators’ lack of normal access to their victims, the predators are now turning to threats of posting photos of their controlees online -- abuse by posting intimate-images. Some victims report contemplation of suicide.

This is a fascinating article by the BBC. I urge chaplains and counselors to read and familiarize themselves so that they can better prepare to minister to victims. And there likely needs to be more legislation in this area to protect people and identify perpetrators…

I marvel at the evil and pathology of some who walk among us.

Coronavirus: 'Revenge porn' surge hits helpline

15 APRIL 2020

A FREE helpful resource document for chaplains and other ministers serving during the Pandemic:

CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL DOCUMENT — Ministry During Pandemic: From Awareness to Implementation [PDF]

10 APRIL 2020

Below is the McChrystal Group's full #playbook for leaders, teams, and organizations navigating through the current #COVID environment.

GEN Stan McChrystal, US Army (Retired) "Operating in Crisis: A Leader's Guide." The free download was originally posted on LinkedIn.

CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL DOCUMENT — Operating in Crisis: A Leader's Guide [PDF]

10 APRIL 2020

COVID-19 Chaplaincy Resources from the Seventh Day Adventists


02 APRIL 2020

Attention counselors and healthcare chaplains now working working under pandemic protocols:

March 17, 2020Contact: HHS Press Office

OCR Announces Notification of Enforcement Discretion for Telehealth Remote Communications During the COVID-19 Nationwide Public Health Emergency

Today, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced, effective immediately, that it will exercise its enforcement discretion and will waive potential penalties for HIPAA violations against health care providers that serve patients through everyday communications technologies during the COVID-19 nationwide public health emergency.

This exercise of discretion applies to widely available communications apps, such as FaceTime or Skype, when used in good faith for any telehealth treatment or diagnostic purpose, regardless of whether the telehealth service is directly related to COVID-19.

In support of this action, OCR will be providing further guidance explaining how covered health care providers can use remote video communication products and offer telehealth to patients responsibly.

"We are empowering medical providers to serve patients wherever they are during this national public health emergency," said Roger Severino, OCR Director. "We are especially concerned about reaching those most at risk, including older persons and persons with disabilities," Severino added.

The Notification of Enforcement Discretion on telehealth remote communications may be found at:

The FAQs on telehealth remote communications may be found at:

For more information on HIPAA and COVID-19, see OCR's February 2020 Bulletin:

02 APRIL 2020

Funerals in the Age of Coronavirus

This is a morbid topic but it is important, I feel, to prepare chaplains to minister to all people under a variety of less-than-ideal circumstances. The following 15.5 minute YouTube video is by professional mortician and YouTube celebrity, Caitlyn Doughty. She discusses funerals, expectations, and safety in the midst of the Pandemic. There is a lot to consider in dealing with survivors of Coronavirus victims, from the survivors’ perspectives, the funeral homes’ perspectives, society’s and governmental needs, etc. In my opinion, it is worth your time and consideration…. Maybe a conversation starter among your peers?

02 APRIL 2020

Helpful hints for using Zoom, from the Episcopalians.

CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL DOCUMENT — Zoom Instructions, Hints, and Tips [PDF]

01 APRIL 2020

Helping Children Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19

30 MARCH 2020

Chaplains, if you are hunkered down somewhere, PLEASE take a look at some excellent mostly-free resources to assist your ministry during the Coronapocalypse.

Chaplaincy Innovation Lab shares resources for chaplains encountering coronavirus

29 MARCH 2020

Disaster Mental Health Training Courses

I have come across these Disaster Mental Health Online Courses. They are on the American Psychological Association’s website, so I presume that they all have substance and merit. I checked several of them, and they offer CEUs, and several have costs. All that said, they may be useful in your practice at this time. They offer CEUs for those, like myself, needing to collect such every year.

So while we are all hunkered down, these might be helpful for a refresher and/or professional development.

25 MARCH 2020

COVID-ready communication skills: A playbook of VitalTalk Tips

CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL DOCUMENT — COVID-ready communication skills: A playbook of VitalTalk Tips [Google Docs]

20 MARCH 2020

Coronavirus resources for chaplains, pastors, and congregations:

Also, communication resources available that could offer a substitute for face-to-face meetings, as follows:

19 MARCH 2020

Chaplains [and maybe pastors, too!]:

It is time for some much-needed renovation and innovation! Let's make worship services and the Word credible, REAL, and fresh!!!!

As your new divine worship services and processes develop and evolve, please talk about them! I want to hear about them and I suspect others do too!

18 MARCH 2020

Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling Vol. 74, No. 1, March, 2020 is now available online!

If you are a CSC member, you can access the full Journal by loggin in HERE


22 FEBRUARY 2020

This is a small book and is likely worth your time as a chaplain in ministering to grieving folks:


08 JANUARY 2020

If you know of any visually-impaired veterans:

Free Braille and Talking Book Program for Veterans
The gift of reading returned to Veterans with visual impairments

27 DECEMBER 2019

Words of wisdom and resources from a hospice chaplain recommended to me by one of our hospice chaplains, Javon Seaborn.


20 DECEMBER 2019

Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling Vol. 73, No. 4, December, 2019 is now available online!

If you are a CSC member, you can access the full Journal by loggin in HERE


06 DECEMBER 2019

An interesting study/report.

CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL DOCUMENT — Chaplaincy? Spiritual Care? Innovation? A Case Statement [PDF]

01 DECEMBER 2019

This organization comes highly recommended.

It is run by a retired Army Sergeant Major Chaplain Assistant.

Moral Injury Support Network for Servicewomen, Inc.

29 OCTOBER 2019

A recently published article that covers all aspects of homelessness plus an extensive list of resources for individuals, families, victims of domestic violence, youth, Native Americans, veterans, members of LGBTQ communities, seniors, disabled individuals, and more. A list of shelters by state is also provided.

Sleep Shelters for Homeless

23 OCTOBER 2019

What It's Like to Learn You're Going to Die:
Palliative-care doctors explain the “existential slap” that many people face at the end.

22 OCTOBER 2019

A FREE webinar on November 7. One of the target audiences of this webinar is chaplains.



Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling Vol. 73, No. 3, September 1, 2019 is now available online!

If you are a CSC member, you can access the full Journal by loggin in HERE


27 JULY 2019

A good article for healthcare chaplains to read as they care for the caregivers in their organizations.

Moral injury and burnout in medicine: a year of lessons learned

22 JULY 2019

I just listened to an amazing TED Talk. It explains a lot about the people in the world around me: Why Liberals see things one way, FERVENTLY; and why Conservatives see things just the opposite, just as FERVENTLY. My dear Christian friends and colleagues – PARTICULARLY those of you who KNOW that you have THE proper understanding of Biblical principles and mandates and the ways of God – this explains y-o-u and the harm that you and many other Christians (like you who preceded you) have imposed on your world in the name of Christ and righteousness. I do hope that all who read my postings will spend just 16 minutes of your life to get a better understanding of yourselves as well as how and why you think and act as you do.

Why do we believe things that aren't true? | Philip Fernbach | TEDxMileHigh

18 JULY 2019

A good resources for chaplains who may have aging parents and need some ideas for caregiving from a distance…

Strategies for Long-Distance Caregivers from Simmons University

03 JULY 2019

Spiritual and Pastoral Care in the Veterans Health Administration


01 JULY 2019

As an update to the 16 February 2019 posting, below, on terms and information resources with which to become familiar in rendering chaplaincy and counseling care to members of the LGBT plus community, one advocacy group, Modern Military Association of America, has developed a competency curriculum complete with testing and “Rainbow Shield Certification” as culturally competent to provide care to LGBT plus folks and their families. I believe that this is all free. If you are interested, please visit:

Rainbow Shield Certification:
Online LGBTQ cultural competency training for military and veteran service providers

"Who can become certified?
"Any individual who serves or advocates for the LGBTQ and HIV+ military and veteran community can seek certification. This includes, but is not limited to, educators, health care providers, military leaders, Veteran Service Officers (VSOs), social workers, homeless and domestic violence shelter providers, lawyers and paralegals, policymakers and administrators."

18 JUNE 2019

Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling Vol. 73, No. 2, June 1, 2019 is now available online.


12 JUNE 2019

Time to follow the evidence: Spiritual care in health care [PDF]

14 May 2019

A very good issue of the Journal of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains on the theme of “Aging.”

CLICK IMAGE FOR DOCUMENT — VISION, May/June 2019, Volume 29, No. 3 [PDF]

22 March 2019

Table of Contents Alert: Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling- Volume: 73, Number: 1 (March 2019)


19 March 2019

Talking to Children About Terminal Illness

05 March 2019

EMS Chaplaincy: Evidence-based professional practice

28 February 2019

It is important for chaplains to be able to spot the signs of human trafficking...

Nurse Practitioner Student Creates Screening To Identify Human Trafficking Victims

Health care takes on the fight against trafficking

26 February 2019

A chaplain designed a way for ICU patients to request prayers, poetry and a hand to hold

Full story at

25 February 2019

CLICK IMAGE FOR DOCUMENT — Coalition Chaplains at APC 2019 [PDF]

24 February 2019

CLICK IMAGE FOR DOCUMENT — Coalition Chaplains at CPSP 2019 [PDF]

16 February 2019

It has been brought to my attention that many/most chaplains do not know the terms, definitions, and acronyms of folks who are LGBT or who regularly live and interact with LGBT folks. As such, I think sensitive and well-informed chaplains might want to familiarize themselves with such terms and concepts. I have had referred to me websites that are helpful with that and you may find them below:

LGBTQIA Resource Center Glossary - UC Davis

LGBTQIA+ Information -

15 February 2019

Free webinars from a reputable organization:

Chaplaincy Innovation Lab

26 January 2019

Great documentary for hospice and other healthcare chaplains!

08 January 2019

A great academic article on Chaplaincy, Spiritual Care, and Moral Injury: Considerations Regarding Screening and Treatment

06 January 2019

Death Row Chaplains Confront Hurdles In Mass System of Injustice

13 December 2018

Compassion-Centered Spiritual Health Overview Webinar. This is a 2-hour webinar by Maureen Shelton, Director of Education, Spiritual Health at Emory Healthcare & Timothy Harrison, Associate Director for CBCT, Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics Broadcast on December 13, 2018.



07 December 2018

Recordings of events hosted by the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab:

Please click [HERE] to view events hosted by the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab

28 November 2018

A special edition of The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling has just been published with a special emphasis on RESEARCH. Research in Pastoral Care and Counseling

CSC Chaplains, log in [HERE] to read and/or download. If you do not yet have a log-in, go ahead and create one. (I will approve you! It is part of your benefits of endorsement with us.)


26 November 2018

Videos on Chaplain Charting in Common Terms

Part 1: Why Chart in Common Terms

Part 2: Fitting into the Interdisciplinary Context

Part 3: Pragmatic Spirituality and the Human Spirit

Part 4: Identifying Spiritual Needs

Part 5: Format and Getting Started

20 November 2018

Great Resources for Chaplains:

If you or someone you know needs help, call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You can also text HOME to 741-741 for free, 24-hour support from the Crisis Text Line. Outside of the U.S., please visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention for a database of resources.

And if you’d like to use the treatment methods described in the piece, check out a nonprofit that Whiteside founded called Now Matters Now. The site teaches basic DBT skills and provides a sample Motto-style card [PDF] anyone can download and send to someone in need.

For a longer, but very folksy, non-clinical article on suicide prevention, check out The Best Way To Save People From Suicide.

19 November 2018

Chaplaincy? Spiritual Care? Innovation?A Case Statement


18 November 2018

Role of chaplains changing in the US

23 October 2018

A good resource for healthcare chaplains. A point to remember is that the Association of Professional Chaplains is but one certifying body for chaplains.



15 October 2018

I just found this website that offers some interesting resources for chaplains:

Brandeis University Chaplaincy Innovations

10 October 2018

Chaplain Olga Westfall is a CSC chaplain with both the VA Medical Center in Atlanta and with the Air Force Reserve. She was recently featured in an In Touch Ministries interview. She is also a strong advocate for chaplaincy in the Ukraine, having spent her childhood there. She has a message for any chaplain who would like to become involved there:

“Good day fellow Chaplains! My name is Olga Westfall and I am a US Air Force Reserve Chaplain and full time staff Chaplain at the Atlanta Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC). I have been endorsed by the Coalition of the Spirit-filled Churches for 15 years and I have been blessed to work under Rev. David Plummer. I was born and grew up in Ukraine, which became independent from the Soviet Union on August 24, 1991. However, when Ukraine, in 2014, decided to be truly independent, Russia annexed part of its land (Crimean Peninsula) and started a war against Ukraine in its eastern industrial part.
"Although this conflict brought a lot of suffering to Ukrainians, with 11,000 killed, 23,000 wounded, it also gave birth to Chaplaincy. Many church leaders and pastors received a call from God to go to care for those who defend them in the battle and return home wounded.
"My friend from Ukraine, Yaroslav Malko, president of Global Christian Support, created in Ukraine a network of professional Chaplains. He provides training for them and various conferences. Ukrainian Chaplains and volunteers were fundamental in helping to support their troops and preserve their country from the aggressor. Many of the Chaplains who work with Yaroslav serve on the front lines of the combat zone of eastern Ukraine as well as in the hospitals ministering to the wounded soldiers, their families and civilians.
"It would be great if any of you could come to Ukraine and share your experience with the Ukrainian Chaplains or just visit soldiers and tour the beautiful country of Ukraine. I will be traveling in Mid-May to Ukraine for about 10 days and if someone would like to join me, please feel free to write me at I also would be happy to answer any of your questions.
"If you would like to come to Ukraine at another time or would like to speak with Yaroslav directly, please feel free to send him an e-mail at or contact by phone (viber) +38 050 635 7135. He has a vast experience in working with group and would provide for you a memorable and special experience.
"God bless!”

08 October 2018

From the world of Healthcare Chaplains...

25 September 2018

Studies show spiritual care in hospitals related to lower rate of patient deaths

14 September 2018


14 September 2018

So, you think you are culturally competent...

Find out! For race/ethnicity, special populations, gender, age, in research and education, and "just in general".

Culture, Language and Health Literacy

14 September 2018

A great article on using empathy creatively!

Empathy: How it Helps and How it Hurts

31 August 2018

Interesting 11-minute interview. Gives the listener a glimpse into the struggles hospital chaplains and ethics consultants.

How Religion Shapes The Way People Approach Medicine

28 August 2018

Sadly, this is also true of many chaplains, especially if the seminary from which they graduated stressed evangelism and church growth over pastoral care and counseling.

Mental health is a topic that a lot of churches and pastors feel uncomfortable addressing.

Clergy Not Prepared to Meet Congregations' Mental Health Needs

10 August 2018

Still Haven’t Ordered for Spiritual/Pastoral Care Week? What are YOU waiting for? Check out our incredible items to help support our upcoming event!!


30 July 2018


*While the CSC is pleased to advertise this retreat, we are not a sponsor, nor are we promoting it.

02 July 2018


02 July 2018

Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling

The Coalition of Spirit-filled Churches is a proud sponsor of the Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling (JPC&C). Did you know that a benefit of your endorsement and partnership with us is free online access to JPC&C?

Check out their latest volume by logging into the website under the Members Area tab on this website.

12 June 2018

Want to help save a life? The VA and PsychArmor Institute Offer Online Suicide Prevention Training. It takes just 25 minutes and the cost is FREE!

11 June 2018

A good article to begin conversations about suicide:

How To Talk About Suicide In A Way That’s Actually Helpful

11 April 2018

The first issue of the Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling for 2018 has been published. You can view the issue's table of contents HERE.

If you are not yet a subscriber of The Journal, your membership with The Coalition of Spirit-filled Churches has as a benefit a courtesy digital copy of the The Journal along with access to digital archived volumes of this precious resource. For more information, click HERE.

05 April 2018

Attention Chaplains and other Clergy, Counselors too!

FB Messenger is NOT private! If you call me via this technology, I will likely not answer. AND keep all confidential messages off of private chats. They are not private.

Yes, Facebook is scanning your messages for abuse

22 August 2017

I have just come across an excellent resource for helping introverts and others communicate their feelings. And perhaps it may be useful in sensitizing extroverts and others as to how they may inadvertently be missing various communication cues. It can be found at Introvert Doodles. The one on grief is especially helpful: I'm Grieving and I Want You to Know

28 June 2017

20 June 2017

From Journal of Pastoral Care Facebook

Journal of Pastoral Care Publications, Inc. The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling Vol. 71, No. 2, June 1, 2017 is now available online at

Members of JPCP Member Associations (ACPE, CASC/ACSS, CPSP, CSC, NAJC, and NIBIC) should access articles from the password protected section of their association websites.

Here is the Table of Contents.

Editorial: Fake Awareness by Terry R. Bard


  • Art, Objects, and Beautiful Stories: A “New” Approach to Spiritual Care by Aaron P. B. Smith, Julia E. Read

  • Emotional Sequelae of Elective Abortion: The Role of Guilt and Shame by Donna Krupkin Whitney

  • Contemplative Listening in Moral Issues: Moral Counseling Redefined in Principles and Method by Jack de Groot, Maria E.C. van Hoek

  • Contemplative Listening: A Rhetorical-Critical Approach To Facilitate Internal Dialog by Hans Evers

  • An Exploration of Current Approaches to and Facilities for Spiritual Care Provision in the Republic of Ireland Fiona Timmins, Sílvia Caldeira, Maryanne Murphy, Nicolas Pujol, Greg Sheaf, Elizabeth Weathers, Jacqueline Whelan, Bernadette Flanagan

  • Personal Reflections

  • The Freedom of the Octogenarian to Find Grace and Humor in the Lasting Personal Strength Gained Through CAPPE* Education Maureen Soukoreff

  • Superman Goes to the Emergency Room by Joseph Baroody

  • In the Media

  • Moonlight by Linda Noonan

  • Poetry

  • Scene from a Lapel Cross: Bad Day by Richard Alan Hadley

  • Book Reviews

  • Rachael Crabb, Sonya Reeder & Diana Calvin, Listening In: Building Faith and Friendship Thorough Conversations That Matter reviewed by Dr Yoke Lye Lim Kwong

  • Jonathan Benz with Kristina Robb-Dover, The Recovery-Minded Church reviewed by Dorothea Crites

  • Continuing Education Quiz

27 May 2017

At the APC's annual meeting at the Marriott Marquis in Houston, TX, if you are a CSC endorsee, please join us for dinner.

17 May 2017

Another important article that NEEDS to be read by all healthcare chaplains.

It Is About the Money

16 May 2017

This is an important document that needs to be read by all clinically-trained chaplains.

S​PIRITUAL​ CARE: What​ It ​Means, Why​ It​ Matters​ in Health​ Care [PDF]