DADT & DOMA Repeal Resources Page

The Coalition of Spirit-filled Churches’ Policy on Pastoral Care to LGBT People


The Implications of the Lifting of DADT for Military Chaplains

By law, the policies and regulations of DADT no longer are the policies and regulations of the DoD. As such, CSC chaplains are expected to be able to work with, work under the leadership of and be able to provide supervision to all chaplains. And all CSC chaplains are expected to work with and minister to all people of all faiths or no faith —and to all personnel (and their families) regardless of sexual orientation or identity. If as a military chaplain one cannot do so, one needs to seriously consider and pray if the time has come to separate from the military. This is not to say that a CSC chaplain has to endorse the lifestyles or beliefs of those to whom they minister or with whom they serve.

Statement By the President on the Certification for the Repeal of DADT

The following official documents might be helpful to military chaplains:

Report of the Comprehensive Review of the Issues Associated with a Repeal of "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" [PDF]
Support Plan for Implementation:
Report of the Comprehensive Review of the Issues Associated with a Repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” [PDF]
'Don’t Ask' Repeal Training Set to Begin
US Department of Defense
Don't Ask Don't Tell Top Stories
The Culture War Within:
Reconciling Policy Change and
Military Culture After DADT

Guidance from the Navy

Letter from the Chief of Navy Chaplains
to Chaplains and Religious Program Specialists
US Navy
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Implementation Information
Navy Personnel Command
DADT Post Repeal

Guidance from the Army

US Army
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Department of the Army
United States of America
Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT)
Tier III Educational Material [PDF]

Guidance from the Air Force

Repeal of DADT Policy Letter
Chaplain (MG) Cecil R. Richardson,
USAF Chief of Chaplains
US Air Force Chaplain Corps Training
Repeal of "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell"
The Coalition of Spirit-filled Churches’ Policy on the Repeal of DADT